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Picasso Maybe? ~ Homemade Organic Edible Paint


     Since Elly's into everything now, and I do mean everything. I caught her in the laundry with my underwear on her head ten minutes ago, don't worry they were clean. I decided to have a little painting party, but since she sticks everything her little hands can reach into her mouth, I knew edible paint was the way to go. We just started  Baby Led Weaning aka  "No...nope, not interested in this at all Mom, thanks, give me some more breast milk please." Besides apple sauce and the occasional avocado, which she ends up making the craziest faces over, she hasn't had much food. So I stuck to the basics, all organic, all locally grown veggies and fruits. 

    At first all she wanted to do was rip the paper into shreds. Once I showed her the paint on the paper she got the hang of it and became a painting maniac. She slowly dipped her fingers into each color, one by one, studying the paint between her fingers. Then full blown body painting occurred. It was so much fun to watch her navigate the different textures and colors.

    Of course she put none of it in her mouth... Go figure. I ended up putting some paint on my fingers so she could taste it.

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Voilà ! A painter is born. She was pretty proud of herself. She went through about 4 sheets of paper.


    As you can see it's pretty messy and baths are a must after this painting activity, but it's oh so much fun. I hope you try it out with your little ones!


Paint Recipie



1/2 cup Whole Wheat Baby Oatmeal.

Raw Beets. 


1/2 cup Whole Wheat Baby Oatmeal. 

A handful of Spinach.

1/2 Avocado.

Pale pinkish purple..?

1/2 cup Whole Wheat Baby Oatmeal. 

8 Fresh Raspberries.


1/2 cup Whole Wheat Baby Oatmeal.

2 Large boiled carrots. Instructions   Mix each color individually with 1 cup of water in a blender until smooth.   Notes

* I used the apple/pear flavored baby Oatmeal, which I found to be thicker than the non flavored. It bonded the colors beautifully. 

* Add more raspberries for a brighter pink. 

* You can substitute Rice Cereal if you're not ready to start you little one on oatmeal yet.    *You can also use breast milk, almond milk (be careful of allergies), or cows milk instead of water if desired. What You'll Need Large construction paper A mat or tarp (This get's messy) And that's it, you're ready to paint, and they can eat the leftovers ! ;) Don't forget to let me know how yours turned out, and if you managed to invent any new colors.   Much Love, Krystal

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