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By Krystal Donovan on 2014-07-15

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"The hardest thing to accept as a parent is that you cannot apply the bandage before the bruise. ~Robert Brault"

The day is done, and this mama is spent. Elly fell today and busted her lip open, oh why didn't I install carpet? Who decided tile was a marvelous idea with a child learning how to walk? With a mouthful of blood and tears (mostly from me) later, I've realized that raising a toddler is hazardous. With walking and running comes bumps and bruises. I know this will be the first of many along the way, but oh, if I could take each and every one of them for her I would...But then what would be the lesson? How would she grow if I kept her in a bubble, safe where no harm could come to her? What kind of person would she become if I never had the chance to teach her how to get up, brush herself off, hold her head up, and try try again? Looking to the future I've realized that the hardest lesson for a parent to learn is Children need support and freedom. The realization that this is what children will always need can hit hard.

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