Dare Alla Luce

"To give to the light."
{40 weeks, "There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don't ask for it, it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it." ~Sheryl Feldman}
She came like a fierce wind.
Wildfire, passing through me like a cool rain on a hot summer day.
She brought me to a place I had never been, introduced me to raw birth, to a strength I never knew I possessed.
Held up by the women that surrounded me, gripping their fingers, I buried my face into my mother's chest, crying out for comfort. I held onto the earth, afraid to let go, to fall, to fly.
Howling, as pure life passed through me.
In a moment, in a breath, sweet newness lay on my chest. Eyes wide, in awe at what had taken place. No build up, just this, no time to think, just her.
In eighteen minutes she came, my little Maxine.
Like wildfire.