{37+6 weeks}

Hey time! Slow down! What is it with your second child that makes you wish you had a few more weeks. A few more weeks to sweep, to prepare, to procrastinate...maybe it's just me. With my first, I couldn't go into labor fast enough, days seemed like years, weeks an eternity.
Laying here watching my daughter sleep is like watching pure love dwell beside me, so tangible and real. Now all I want is time, just a little more time, then maybe I can wrap my head around the concept of having my heart walk around in two separate bodies beside my own. What an amazing thing to be a mother, what a truly mind-blowing feat. I dream of the days when she's grown and gone, and my heart literally aches. If someone would have told me this type of love existed, I would have laughed, how could that be? Impossible. Impossible is a mothers love, it can't be measured, only understood by the gentle smiles and nods of another mother.