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Happy 2013!

Happy New Years everyone!

It's 2013, can you believe it?! I'm so excited for this year to come, after this year nothing will be the same, only better in my eyes, building this little family of ours has made my world brighter and we couldn't be more blessed. This year, in all of its two day's, has made me want to do more... More Cooking- Though I cook every day I would love to start setting up weekly dinners at our house, with friends or alone. But I truly need to start trying out all of these recipes I've collected throughout the years. More Reading- The hubby does most of the reading as of late since reading sends me into a nauseated state (oh pregnancy) Thank goodness he reads to me in bed.

Once this little one is here, more reading is a must... now where to find the time? hmm More Yoga- Bikram yoga was my life! Sadly a one hundred and ten-degree room does not sound appealing when you are lugging around a personal heater inside you 24/7. However, for the sake of my mind and every growing body, I must start some type of yoga before I spontaneously combust. More Creating- These last four months have been the toughest four months of my life, between the all-day sickness (whoever called it morning sickness was off their rocker) the blinding headaches, sore back, aching hips, and nonexistent sleep, creating new images has been the last thing on my mind. Good thing I'm over that hill and into the 'I feel great!' stage of pregnancy.

Bike ride at sunset

This has brought on an overwhelming need to shoot all day every day, work on opening my studio ASAP, and create more portraits.  What are some of the things you would like to do this year?

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