37 weeks- No Rushing Only Waiting

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"Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour. ~Ovid"
The last three days have been a whirlwind of busy, prepping and preparing for @thevillagemagazine's first dinner and cover shoot. It was tougher than I thought, lugging around this now 37 week old belly was no easy feat. Oh, but how it was worth it, I couldn't have dreamed of a better dinner, or a more lovely group of women to spend the evening with. Raw motherhood...pure, lovely, non-judgmental, amazing, delicious, spit your wine out funny, motherhood. It came as a surprise that by the end of the night my belly had dropped, leaving me in total shock! There has been a shift, in mind and in body. I walked around today in a haze of hormones and anticipation. Am I ready? Will I be meeting this sweet babe sooner rather than later? Contractions are setting in with more intention than before, the serious, let me breathe through this kind, as my mothers all knowing eyes tell me to rest. This journey through pregnancy has been everything I could have ever hoped for, focusing on the good, the reward, the blessing of carrying life has changed the way I now look at pregnancy. I will cherish these last moments, days, or weeks with gentleness, not rushing, only waiting.