A Mountain of Firsts

"We do not remember days; we remember moments." ~Cesare Pavese
Love permeates the spaces around me as I lay here surrounded by my children. I close my tired eyes and the memories drift in, bringing with them a fondness that I can only describe as bittersweet.
The excitement in her eyes as she noticed the lovingly wrapped gifts placed under the tree in secret late last night by her Grandmother.
Sweet kisses placed on new rosy cheeks.
The way her head tucks perfectly under mine, filling my senses with the sweet scent of new life.
Gazes shared between two friends, lovers, spouses, in the midst of raising babies.
How his feet always find mine, no matter how many children we find snuggled in-between us.
The way my daughters voice melts my soul as she says "I love you."
A mountain of firsts, mixed with the sorrow of knowing that they will never happen again brings a smile to my face. Time ticks away and their breathing gets heavy as they drift into their dreams...suddenly I realize that 'these are the days.'